I want to compute the fourth moment of a standard Wiener process: $E[W_t^4]$. My solution is not equal to the one in my textbook but I don't understand where I am wrong. I started by applying Ito's lemma to $g(W_t) = W_t^4$ and got
$dg(W_t) = 6W_t^2dt + 4W_t^3dW_t$,
implying that
$W_t^4 = \int_0^t 6W_t^2ds + 4 \int_0^t W_s^3 dW_s$.
Then, I took expectations and got for the first term
$ E[\int_0^t 6W_t^2ds] = 6\int_0^t V[W_t]ds = 6\int_0^t sds = 3 t^2$.
In order to calculate the second term, I applied Ito's lemma to $f(W_t) = W_t^4/4$ and got
$df(W_t) = \frac{3}{2}W_t^2dt + W_t^3dW_t$,
implying that
$\int_0^t W_s^3 dW_s = W_t^4/4 - \int_0^t \frac{3}{2} W_s^2ds $.
So, I took again expectations and got
$E[\int_0^t W_s^3 dW_s] = E[W_t^4]/4 - \frac{3}{2} \int_0^t V[W_t]ds \\ = 3 t^4 /4 - 3 t^2 /4$.
Hence, my result is $E[W_t^4]=3 t^2 + 4(3 t^4/4 - 3 t^2/4) = 3t^4 $.
However, in my textbook the second term was just dropped and the result was $3 t^2$. What's wrong with my way?