You are right in your definitions, but both symbols can be used in the metatheory, meaning that they are used to describe properties and relations between objects of the theory : axioms, theorems, and between the theory and its models.
With a formal theory, like $\mathsf {ZFC}$ or $\mathsf {PA}$, based on first-order logic, it is useful to separate symbols of the language, like :
$\lnot, \rightarrow, \land, \lor$, all belonging to the common first-order language
$\in$, specific of set theory
$+$, specific of arithmetic,
and symbols used in the meta-language, like :
$\vdash$, for the relation of derivability in a theory, meaning there is a formal derivation of a theorem from the axioms of the theory
$\vDash$, for the relation of logical consequence, meaning that a sentence in the language of the theory is true in all models of the theory, i.e. in all interpretations satisfying the axioms.
The two relations are linked through Gödel's completeness theorem.
Expanded edition
The above is a précis of the "standard view", dating back to the '50s and '60s of last century; see :
We introduce, by a metamathematical definition, the notion of "formal deducibility under assumptions". Given a list $D_1, \ldots, D_l$ of (occurrences of) formulas, a finite sequence of one or more (occurrences of) formulas is called a (formal) deduction from the assumptions formulas $D_1, \ldots, D_l$, if each formula of the sequence is either one of the formulas $D_1, \ldots, D_l$, or an axiom, or an immediate consequence of preceding formulas of the sequence. A deduction is said to be a deduction of its last formula $E$; and this formula is said to be deducible from the assumption formulas (in symbols, $D_1, \ldots, D_l \vdash E$), and is called the conclusion of the deduction. (The symbol "$\vdash$" may be read "yields".)
See also :
we define : $B$ is a valid consequence of $A_1, \ldots, A_m$, or in symbols $A_1, \ldots, A_m \vDash B$, if, [...] the formula $B$ is true in all those [structures] in which $A_1, \ldots, A_m$ are simultaneously true. The symbol $\vDash$ may be read "entails".
And see footnote, page 36 :
The symbol "$\vdash$" goes back to Frege (Begriffsschrift, 1879); the present use of it to Rosser (1935) and Kleene (1934). [...] The parallel use of "$\vDash$" is perhaps original with Kleene (1956).
See Rob's comment below ; the sequent calculus (Gentzen, 1934) is a formalization of the derivability relation. The original Gentzen's syntax for sequents :
$\Gamma \rightarrow \Delta$
is often written with $\vdash$ in place of the auxiliary symbol $\rightarrow$ (or sometimes : $\Longrightarrow$).