Let $\mathcal F$ be the set of all functions $\mathbb R^+\to\mathbb R$ that are:
- real analytic on $\mathbb R^+$,
- monotonic on $\mathbb R^+$, and
- having derivatives of any order that are also monotonic on $\mathbb R^+$.
Apparently, $\mathcal F$ has a cardinality of continuum $\mathfrak{c}$.
For $f,g\in\mathcal F$ let $f\prec g$ denote the eventual domination (i.e. $f(x)<g(x)$ for all sufficiently large $x$).
Does $\prec$ define a linear order on $\mathcal F?$ Denote its order type as $\phi$. What can be said about $\phi$? Apparently, the order type of reals $\lambda$ can be embedded into $\phi$. Are they equivalent? What is the height of $\phi$ (i.e. the smallest ordinal not embeddable into it)? What's the cofinality of $\phi$?