Echoing the answers of MotiNK, since there are only two quadratic constraints you can expect to find a global optimum via a semidefinite relaxation (SDP).
In Matlab with the CVX toolbox installed, you could proceed as follows. As long as the optimal matrix $X$ has rank 1 (which is typically the case, at least when $B$ and $C$ are positive semidefinite and such that $B+C$ is positive definite), then the vector $x$ constructed below is a global optimum.
n = 6;
A = randsym(n);
B = diag([rand(n/2, 1) ; zeros(n/2, 1)]);
B = B/trace(B);
C = diag([zeros(n/2, 1) ; rand(n/2, 1)]);
C = C/trace(C);
variable X(n, n)
minimize trace(A*X)
subject to
trace(B*X) == 1;
trace(C*X) == 1;
X == semidefinite(n);
[V, D] = eig(X);
% Confirm that D(end, end) is the only positive entry.
% If so, then x is optimal.
x = sqrt(D(end, end))*V(:, end);
Alternatively, as Mark L. Stone pointed out, given the special structure of $B$ and $C$, you could also consider using optimization on two spheres.
Indeed, it seems that $x$ is really a concatenation (perhaps with some re-ordering of entries) of two vectors, as $x = [x_1 ; x_2]$ with $x_1 = \tilde B^{-1/2}y_1$ and $x_2 = \tilde C^{-1/2}y_2$ -- here, $\tilde B$ denotes the top-left diagonal block of $B$, and $\tilde C$ denotes the bottom-right diagonal block of $C$.
Essentially, we get $x^\top B x = x_1^\top \tilde B x_1 = y_1^\top y_1 = 1$ if $y_1$ is unit norm.
So they idea is that we can minimize $x^\top A x$, which is really a function of $y_1, y_2$, both unit-norm vectors. That's a homogeneous quadratic cost function to minimize over a product of two spheres.
The non-convexity is not too bad and reasonably well understood. See for example Corollary 5.8 in this paper for guarantees if we relax the problem just slightly.