I think it's a maturity issue in one sense, which is that when you're first introduced to vectors is likely to be the first time you're exposed to the fact that there are two different operations, both called multiplication and both written the same way. You need to learn that you can multiply scalar by scalar, or vector by scalar, but not vector by vector. And perferably understand why. Same issue for addition, you can add two scalars or two vectors, but not a vector to a scalar.
Therefore, there's a critical period where you will get very confused if you don't carefully distinguish between them. Consistently writing vectors and scalars differently will likely help with this.
However, once you understand the difference and have become accustomed to distinguishing them in your mind, it's less useful to write them very differently, and might become an annoying overhead. Reserving letters still helps, and usually is enough to remember what everything is. So, putting arrows or underlines everywhere feels like too much. In typeset text you might continue to use bold for vectors because it doesn't make things look much more busy on the page, but in writing I think most people drop it.
I don't think this means the ones who don't drop it are immature, though, just that those who are immature probably shouldn't drop it yet.
Furthermore, like quid's answer says, you will eventually need to deal with more than one vector space at once, at which point having a notational convention that distinguishes "vectors in my vector space" from "everything else" is not sufficient anyway. So as you mature you have to rely on other means to understand what type of entity everything is.
Perhaps off-topic, but there's a related thing in computer programming called "Systems Hungarian notation", where every variable name contains a prefix denoting the data type of the variable. Almost everyone hates this, because in practice it's too much repetition of the same information. It's actually quite difficult to strike the "right" balance because it's a matter of taste. Using mathematical block capitals for special entities $\mathbb{R}$, latin vs. greek letters for vectors vs. scalars, $n$ for an integer, $q$ for a rational, $x$ for a real, $v$ for a vector, $a$ for a coeffient and $f$ for a function, uppercase for matrices, all seem perfectly sensible to most mathematicians although none is essential. Hanging decorations off your letters, though, starts to cross a line and so fewer people bother.