Let $(X_i)_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of $L^2$ random variables with expected value $m$ for all $n$. Let $S_n=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$ and $|\mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_j)|\leq\epsilon_{|i-j|}$ for finite, non-negative constants $\epsilon_k$. Show that:
(1) If $\lim_{n\to\infty} \epsilon_n=0$ then $S_n/n\to m$ in $L^2$ and probability
(2) If $\sum_{k=1}^\infty \epsilon_k<\infty$, then $\mathrm{Var}(S_n/n)$ is of order $O(1/n)$ and $S_n/n\to m$ almost surely
(1) First of, I found a similar looking question here, but we don't have, that the constants are bounded by $1$, so I don't know if the Chebyshev-inequality approach works here.
(2) We have $\mathrm{Var}(S_n/n)=\dfrac{1}{n^2}Var(S_n)=\dfrac{1}{n^2}\sum_{i\ne j}\mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_j)=\dfrac{1}{n^2}(\sum_{k=1}^n\mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_i)+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j=i}^n \mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_j))\leq\dfrac{1}{n^2}(n\cdot\epsilon_0+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}\sum_{j=i}^n \mathrm{Cov}(X_i,X_j))$.
This is where I'm stuck.