It can be calculated that $\frac{555555}{7} = 79365$. What is the remainder of the number $5555\dots5555$ with a thousand $5$'s, when divided by $7$?
I did the following:
$$\begin{array} & 5 \ \text{mod} \ 7=& &5 \\ 55 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &6 \\ 555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &2 \\ 5555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &4 \\ 55555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &3 \\ 555555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &0 \\ 5555555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &5 \\ 55555555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &6 \\ 555555555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &2 \\ 5555555555 \ \text{mod} \ 7= & &4 \\ \end{array}$$
It can be seen that the cycle is: $\{5,6,2,4,3,0\}$.
$$\begin{array} & 1 \ \text{number =} &5 \\ 7 \ \text{numbers =} &5 \\ 13 \ \text{numbers =} &5 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \vdots & \\ 985 \ \text{numbers =} &5 \\ 991 \ \text{numbers =} &5 \\ 997 \ \text{numbers =} &5 \\ 998 \ \text{numbers =} &6 \\ 999 \ \text{numbers =} &2 \\ \color{red}{1000} \ \color{red}{\text{numbers =}} &\color{red}{4} \\ \end{array}$$
From here, we can conclude that $\underbrace{555\cdots555}_{1000\ \text{times}} \ \text{mod} \ 7 = 4$.
However, I wasn't allowed to use a calculator and solved this in about 12 minutes. Another problem was that there was a time limit of about 5 minutes. My question is: Is there an easier and faster way to solve this?
Thanks a lot in advance!