Let $n, k \in \Bbb{N}$ and $F_n$ be the $n$th term of the Fibonacci sequence.
Let $u$ be the map $x \to 3x+1$ and $d$ be the map $x \to \frac{x}{2}$.
Let a type be a sequence of $u$'s and $d$'s. Recall that a type must end with a mapping $d$ and that there cannot be two mappings $u$ consecutively.
Let $A = 2^a$ for some $a \in \Bbb{N}$ ($a$ is necessarily even).
Let a witness be of the form $U(A)$, where $U$ is the inverse of $u$.
Consider the following proposition:
If a type $σ$ contains $k$ $u$’s then there is a single congruence of the form $A = c \mod 3^k+1$ which must be satisfied in order that a trace of type $σ$ ends with witness $A$. Consequently, there is a least witness $A = 2^a$ with $a ≤ 2·3^k$, and a general witness is of the form $2^{a+jd}$ where $j$ is a nonnegative integer and $d = 2·3^k$.
This is a proposition from a paper on Collatz permutations. I am actually quite confused on how this proves that the proposition shows [...] that there are at least $F_n$ Collatz permutations of length $n$.
More straightforwardly, the following question on MSE seems to answer the question (for strings of length $\leq 14$) using induction of Fibonacci sequences.