I am trying to show the following is a commutative ring with unity, however I am encountering a problem.
First, addition and multiplication are defined as:
$$a \oplus b=a+b-1$$$$a \odot b=ab-(a+b)+2$$
I have shown this "addition" is an abelian group. The identity is $1$ and the negative is $2-a$. Now, I am stuck on distributivity. I found that:
$$a \odot(b \oplus c)$$ $$= a \odot (b+c-1)$$ $$=(a\odot b) + (a \odot c) - (a \odot 1)$$ $$=ab-(a+b)+2+ac-(a+c)+2-(a1-(a+1)+2)$$ $$=ab-a-b+2+ac-a-c+2-a+a+1-2$$ $$=ab+ac-2a-b-c+3$$
Why is this not equal to: $$= a \odot (b+c+(-1))$$ $$=(a\odot b) + (a \odot c) + (a \odot (-1))$$ $$=ab-(a+b)+2+ac-(a+c)+2+a(-1)-(a+(-1))+2)$$ $$=ab-a-b+2+ac-a-c+2-a-a+1+2$$ $$=ab+ac-4a-b-c+7$$
However, the first equation is equal to $$(a \odot b) \oplus (a \odot c)$$ $$=(ab-(a+b)+2) \oplus (ac-(a+c)+2)$$ $$=ab-(a+b)+2+ac-(a+c)+2-1$$ $$=ab-a-b+2+ac-a-c+2-1$$ $$=ab+ac-2a-b-c+3$$
So, why is the first equation not equal to the second, but equal to the third? Which one is correct?