This webpage (as well as Wikipedia) explains how one can use the Miller-Rabin test to determine if a number in a particular range is prime. The size of the range determines the number of required bases to test. For example:
If $n < 9,080,191$ is a base $31$ and base $73$ strong probable prime, then $n$ is prime.
If $n < 2,152,302,898,747$ is a base $2, 3, 5, 7,$ and $11$ strong probable prime, then $n$ is prime.
How many bases must I test to deterministically tell if any integer $n < 2^{63}-1$ is prime?
As one may guess by the bound, I'm interested in using this approach for primality testing in programs. Assuming the truth of the extended Riemann hypothesis (which I'd be willing to do, given that I am using this code simply for competitions and/or "toy" problems, but not for high-risk applications), it is sufficient to test all bases $a$ in the range $1<a<2\log^2(n)$.
Reducing the number of bases I need to check could dramatically improve the runtime of my code; thus, I was wondering if there was a smaller number of bases.