Let $(G,\cdot)$ be a group and let $BG$ be the category of this group with one formal object $*$ and the elements of $G$ as morphisms.
Now take the the covariant hom-functor $\text{Hom$(*,\_)$}:BG \to \mathbf{Set}$
$*\mapsto \text{Hom$(*,*)$} = [\text{the set of morphisms from $*$ to $*$ }] = \{g\in G\} = G$, seen as a set
Now to my question and confusion:
Let $g\in G$ then,
$$g \mapsto \text{Hom$(*,g)$} $$
This is $$\text{Hom$(*,g)$}:\text{Hom$(*,*)$} \to \text{Hom$(*,*)$}$$ $$\_ \mapsto g\circ \_$$
If $\text{Hom$(*,*)$}$ is the group seen as a set then what is $\text{Hom$(*,g)$}$? Is it endomorphisms or even bijections of $G$? with left multiplication of $g$? Can anyone please explain how this works?