
I know the definitions for satisfaction of a sentence in a model but if there are free variables in a formula does that mean that it isn't true or false? (as determined by the model)Thanks


2 Answers 2


The answer depends on the fine print of the semantic story.

One common line makes it come out that a wff with free variables counts as true-in-$\mathcal{M}$ just when its universal closure comes out true.

But alternatively you can have it that a wff with free variables gets no true-value with respect to $\mathcal{M}\ $ -- it only gets a value with respect to $\mathcal{M} + \mathcal{I}$ where $\mathcal{I}$ is an assignment function mapping variables to elements of $\mathcal{M}$'s domain (in effect giving the variables an interpretation as temporary names).

In some ways, the second story is more natural: the first conforms with informal mathematical practice of treating sentences with free variables as implicitly universally quantified. But you can go either way.


There are three ways of resolving this. One way is to say that a formula $\phi (\vec{x})$ is satisfied if and only if the sentence $\forall \vec{x} . \phi (\vec{x})$ is satisfied. Another is to insist that it makes no sense to ask about the truth value of $\phi (\vec{x})$ without an assignment of values to the free variables $\vec{x}$. The third is to expand the notion of truth value somewhat and say that the valuation of a formula $\phi (\vec{x})$ with $n$ free variables $\vec{x}$ in a model $A$ is the subset $$[\vec{x} . \phi (\vec{x})]_A = \{ \vec{a} \in A^n : A \vDash \phi[\vec{a}] \}$$ and note that in the case $n = 0$, there are only two truth values, as usual.

The third interpretation has the advantage of making it easier to bridge syntax and semantics: for example, $T \vdash \phi (\vec{x}) \to \psi (\vec{x})$ if and only if $[\vec{x}. \phi (\vec{x}))]_A \subseteq [\vec{x}. \psi (\vec{x})]_A$ for all models $A$ of the theory $T$. Note that this is not true if we reduce the valuations of formulae to $\{ \bot, \top \}$! For example, take $T$ to be the theory of rings, $\phi (x)$ to be the formula "$x \ne 0$", and $\psi (x)$ to be the formula "$x$ is invertible". Then, $(\forall x. \phi (x)) \to (\forall x. \psi(x))$ is certainly true in all rings because $\forall x. \phi (x)$ is false; but $\forall x. (\phi (x) \to \psi (x))$ is true only in a field!


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