
On this free body diagram, how am I able to see that the two angles $\alpha$ are equivalent?

enter image description here

I have read about transversals, but I still can't see on this diagram.

  • $\begingroup$ Because $F_1$ is vertical, it makes a right angle with the horizontal line at the bottom. That makes the angle $\beta = 90° - \alpha$ between the slope and $F_1$. The longer dotted line is perpendicular to the slope, so the angle opposite upper $\alpha$ is $\beta$, which makes the two $\alpha$'s equivalent. $\endgroup$ Oct 9, 2016 at 20:47

1 Answer 1


If the two sides of an angle are perpendicular to the sides of another angle, then the angles are either equal or supplementary. enter image description here


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