
I was searching for methods on how to calculate the area of a polygon and stubled across this: http://www.mathopenref.com/coordpolygonarea.html. $$ \mathop{area} = \left\lvert\frac{(x_1y_2 − y_1x_2) + (x_2y_3 − y_2x_3) + \cdots + (x_ny_1 − y_nx_1)}{2} \right\rvert $$ where $x_1,\ldots,x_n$ are the $x$-coordinates and $y_1,\ldots,y_n$ are the $y$-coordinates of the vertices. It does work and all, yet I do not fully understand why this works.

As far as I can tell you take the area of each triangle between two points. Basically you reapeat the formula of $\frac{1}{2} * h * w$ for each of the triangles and take the sum of them? Yet doesn't this leave a "square" in te center of the polygon that is not taken into account? (Apparently not since the correct answer is produced yet I cannot understand how).

If someone could explain this some more to me I would be grateful.


2 Answers 2


enter image description here

Let $O$ is the origin. Denote "signed area" of triangle $OAB$: $~~S_{OAB}= \dfrac{1}{2}(x_Ay_B-x_By_A)$.
It can be derived from cross product of vectors $\vec{OA}, \vec{OB}$.

If way $AB$ is $\circlearrowleft$ (if polar angle of $A$ less than polar angle of $B$), then $S_{OAB}>0$ ;
if way $AB$ is $\circlearrowright$ (if polar angle of $A$ greater than polar angle of $B$), then $S_{OAB}<0$.

Now, for each edge $A_jA_{j+1}$ ($j=1,2,\ldots,n$; $A_{n+1}\equiv A_1$) of polygon $A_1A_2\ldots A_n$ we can build $2$ vectors: $\vec{OA_j}$ and $\vec{OA_{j+1}}$.

And "signed area" of polygon (which sign depends on numerating direction) $$ S_{A_1A_2...A_n} = \sum_{j=1}^n S_{OA_jA_{j+1}} = \sum_{j=1}^n \dfrac{1}{2}(x_jy_{j+1}-x_{j+1}y_j) = \dfrac{1}{2}\sum_{j=1}^n (x_jy_{j+1}-x_{j+1}y_j). $$

When positive term adds, then square will increase, when negative, then area will decrease.

We will mark "positive" area as blue, and "negative" as red.

enter image description here


The formula in question can be explained by means of Green's formula in the plane.

Let ${\bf F}=(P,Q)$ be a force field in the plane, and assume that $\Omega$ is a finite domain with boundary cycle $\partial\Omega$. Then Green's formula says that $$\int\nolimits_{\partial B} (P\>dx+Q\>dy)=\int\nolimits_B (Q_x-P_y)\ {\rm d}(x,y)\ .\tag{1}$$ When ${\bf F}=(0,x)$ or ${\bf F}=(-y,0)$ then $Q_x-P_y\equiv1$, and the right hand side of $(1)$ just gives the area of $\Omega$. It follows that $${\rm area}(\Omega)=\int\nolimits_{\partial B} x\ dy=-\int\nolimits_{\partial B} y\ dx={1\over2}\int\nolimits_{\partial B} (x\> dy-y\>dx)\ ,$$ where practical considerations dictate which version should be applied in the particular case at hand.

When $\Omega$ is a polygon with $n$ vertices given in cyclic order then $\partial\Omega$ consists of $n$ directed segments $\sigma_k$. Writing out the line integral for each $\sigma_k$ and cyclically summing over $k$ one arrives at the given formula (resp. to one of its equivalents).


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