
Without algebraically manipulating this following equality (i.e. reducing down to $n - 1 +r\choose n-1 $ etc. ), what is a combinatorial proof for this following equation?:

$$ \left(\!\!{n \choose r}\!\!\right) = \left(\!\!{n \choose {r-1}}\!\!\right) + \left(\!\!{ {n - 1} \choose r }\!\!\right) $$

I can easily understand the LHS: we're placing r indistinguishable items into n distinguishable bins. Hence, n multichoose r.

However, as for the RHS, I'm having trouble understanding the disjoint cases here that allows for the use of The Sum Rule.

  • $\begingroup$ Your formula is false: the first term in the r.h.s. should be $\dbinom{n-1}{r-1}$. $\endgroup$
    – Bernard
    Feb 12, 2018 at 19:27

3 Answers 3


Consider the two cases, which are based on what you can do with bin $n$:

  • either you decide to use bin $n$, so at least one item gets placed in it, after which you have to place $r - 1$ items to $n$ bins, or
  • bin $n$ is not used at all, which means you have to place $r$ indistinguishable items to $n - 1$ bins


$$ \def\multiset#1#2{{\left(\kern-.3em\left(\genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{#1}{#2}\right)\kern-.3em\right)}} \multiset{n}{r} = \multiset{n}{r - 1} + \multiset{n - 1}{r} $$


Left hand side: total number of multisets with size r on an n-element set.

Right hand side: Pick a certain element $x$ of the $n$-element set. Break the set of all multisets into 2 types: those containing an instance of $x$ and those not containing an instance of $x$.


We have that

$$\left(\!\!{n \choose r}\!\!\right)=\binom{n+r-1}r$$

Thus your identity is equivalent to this other


Then naming $m:=n+r-1$ your identity is equivalent to prove that


what can be proved easily from the definition of binomial coefficient, that is



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