
I was reading the following notes on tensor products: http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/linmultialg/tensorprod.pdf

At some point (p. 39) there is the following example

enter image description here

In the last paragraph, he says that using exterior powers it can be proved that if $I\oplus I\simeq S^2$ as $S$-module, then $I\otimes_S I\simeq S$ as $S$-modules.

I do not know a lot about exterior powers (just the definition), but I would like to know what is the property being used here and what is the isomorphism he finds out.

Can you give me some hints?

As matter of fact I think it really proves that $I\otimes_S I$ is isomorphic to $S\otimes_S S\simeq S$, but I cannot construct a surjective map from $S\otimes_S S$ to $I\otimes_S I$.


1 Answer 1


He is using the isomorphism $${\bigwedge}^2(A\oplus B)\cong \left({\bigwedge}^2 A\right)\oplus (A\otimes B)\oplus\left( {\bigwedge}^2 B\right).$$ We take both $A=B=S$ and $A=B=I$ and use the fact that $\bigwedge^2S=\bigwedge^2I=0$. Then if $S\oplus S\cong I\oplus I$ then applying the exterior square gives $S\otimes S\cong I\otimes I$.


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