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johndoe's user avatar
johndoe's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 7 years ago
6 votes

Bundle Automorphisms, Structure Groups and Gauge Groups

5 votes

What is the dimension of this Grassmannian?

4 votes

Why topology on a set is defined the way it is?

3 votes

Vector field invariant under transitive action: restricts to free transitive action?

3 votes

Stone Representation Theorem

2 votes

Stone space of finite Boolean algebras

2 votes

Need help understanding why this procedure works: Procedure for diagonalizing a square matrix

2 votes

Continuity of translation function in fibers

1 vote

Evaluating a surface integral

1 vote

Nonhomeomorphic CW-complexes that are stably homeomorphic

1 vote

equation involving the integral of the modular function of a topological group

1 vote

An informal proof that $K^n =(K^n)^{**}$ or transposing two times does nothing

1 vote

Alternate construction of the universal cover of a space

1 vote

How to prove or disprove statements about sets

1 vote

Notation for writing down products of sets of combinations

1 vote

Convolution: $ f (-)*g = g(-)* f$ does this mean both $f$ and $g$ have to be even functions?

0 votes

How to get the intersecting angle of two tangent lines touching a circle

0 votes

Proving a certain map on the closed unit disc must be the identity

0 votes

Explicit description of flat connections under pullback on principal bundles over Riemann surfaces