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Pax's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • space
3 votes

If $\lim\limits_{n \to \infty} \frac{a_n}{b_n}=1 \rightarrow \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n = \sum_{n=1}^\infty b_n$

3 votes

Find $x$ for inequality of $1+x+x^{2}+x^{3}+...+x^{99}\le0$

3 votes

Extension of rings decreasing Krull dimension

3 votes

Free group with relations

3 votes

Classification of $O(2)$-bundles in terms of characteristic classes.

2 votes

Let F be a finite field of characteristic $p$. Show $f(a) = a^p$ is a ring homomorphism, injective, and surjective

2 votes

Isometry group of a product of isomorphic manifolds

2 votes

Looking for an identity for characteristic polynomial of a matrix to the power of n

2 votes

How can I show $U_n(\mathbb{C})$ is a compact subgroup of $GL_n(\mathbb{C})$

2 votes

$\det (e^A) = e^{\text{Tr}(A)}$ without Jordan canonical form, Schur decomposition?

2 votes

The sections of the projection $\bigsqcup_{i:I} X_i \rightarrow I.$

2 votes

What is the center of $\mathbb{C}S_3$?

2 votes

How to read this logical statement in English?

2 votes

If $P(A) < P(A \cup B)$, does that mean that $A\subsetneq (A\cup B)$?

2 votes

Max/min of reals as Cauchy sequences

2 votes

Prove every isometry of the plane is expressible as product of reflections, translations, rotations

2 votes

What is a number?

2 votes

Finding dual of matrix algebra

2 votes

Ring structure of cohomology from homotopy classes of maps into Eilenberg-Maclane spaces

2 votes

Minimum eigenvalue of random matrices

2 votes

Estimation of the Hermite Polynomials using Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics

2 votes

Are there conditions for a sum or difference of linear maps between the same spaces to be an isomorphism?

2 votes

Does $(p^{\lambda_1}-1)\cdots(p^{\lambda_m}-1)$ divide $p^n-1$?

2 votes

Why does the inclusion: ${PP}^n\to {RP}^{\infty}$ induce the isomorphism on cohomologies with coefficient $Z_2$

2 votes

Is this collection of function uniformly equicontinuous? Hints on the proof.

2 votes

I need to find Variance of stochastic process $X_{t} = \int_{0}^{t} W^{+}_{s}dW_{s}$

2 votes

Show that there is a unique solution to $\min \left\lVert Ax-b \right\rVert_2$

2 votes

Prove that $A: (v_1)^\perp \to (v_1)^\perp ,\ e_j\mapsto Pv_j$'s determinant stays the same for all ONBs $e_j$, where $P$ is an orthogonal projection.

1 vote

Smooth manifolds with a hole are homeomorphic

1 vote

Global Lyapunov function to examine global stability?