Questions tagged [quaternions]

For questions about the quaternions: a noncommutative four dimensional division algebra over the real numbers. Also for questions about quaternion algebras.

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1 answer

How to convert Quaternions into Polar form?

I would like to know how to write quaternions as polar form. Because I heard that if $A$ and $B$ are elements of $C$, this can be done with the form $A \cdot e^{B \cdot j}$. But how can I do that? Can ...
NeilTheMathGeek's user avatar
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a tetraquaternionic magma

In Clifford algebras over $\mathbb R$ you look at directions squaring to $-1$ or $+1$. Made me wonder: Why does not nature encode source information yet another way: $(\sqrt i)^2=i$ so that $i^4=j^4=-...
Roman Czyborra's user avatar
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Quaternion derivative proof

In this paper I tried to understand the Quaternion derivative formula derivation for a body angular rates but I got lost right after equation 12 it states that p(t) is a vector since it's scalar part ...
Mahmoud Salah's user avatar
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Dual quaternion norm expression from Skinning with Dual Quaternions Paper.

I am familarizing with a common skinning techinque used in animation, the Dual Quaternion Skinning. Since the original paper is not long I am going through the math myself. There's equation 3 which I ...
user8469759's user avatar
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Identifying if 2 motors are "compatible." (no candy wrapping)

Preamble (Trying to describe candywrapping) Consider a translation and rotation encoded as a motor in $Cl(3, 0, 1)$, also known as PGA. All rotations in 3D can be considered to be a planar rotation up ...
Makogan's user avatar
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Quaternionification isomorphims

In the book Representation of compact Lie Groups of Tammo tom Dieck, chapter II.6, it is explained that if $V$ is a complex vector space and $W$ a quaternionic module, we have the isomorphisms (where ...
brunoh's user avatar
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3d rotation representation for multiple turns

Currently I am learning to use quaternions to represent rotations in the 3D world. The task is to make the object rotate for a given angle in certain time. I am now wondering which type of rotation ...
liamxqy's user avatar
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Algebra structure of $\mathbb{R}[Q_8]$ where $Q_8$ is the quaternion group of order $8$.

Let $Q_8$ be the quaternion group of order $8$. I would like to determine the algebra structure for $\mathbb{R}[Q_8]$. I think $\mathbb{R}[Q_8] \cong \mathbb{R}^4 \oplus \mathbb{H}$. Maybe a simpler ...
mathlover314's user avatar
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Using quaternion to get polar rotational components

I have tried multiple times to understand quaternions and have failed miserably. I know how to use it to extract unit vectors for cartesian operations, but not how to use it directly for these types ...
FatalCatharsis's user avatar
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Why is the norm of a Hurwitz Quaternion always a positive integer?

Let $\mathcal{H}$ denote the Hurwitz Quaternion, i.e the subring of the ring of real quaternions that is defined in the following way: $$\mathcal{H} = \{ m_0 \zeta + m_1 i + m_2 j + m_3 k \mid m_i \...
An Isomorphic Teen's user avatar
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isomorphism of quaternion algebras

I has a question reading 'Galois cohomology-Gille-Szamuely' I has a problem as follows. Let us define a k-algebra homomorphism $\varphi:(a,b) \to (u^2a,v^2b) $ which assigns $ui$ to $i$ and $vj$ to $...
Yong's user avatar
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Finding the quaternion which projects one vector onto another

I'm currently working on a program that requires specifying a quaternion rotation to point a cylinder in the direction of its velocity vector, i.e. projecting the $z$-axis onto that velocity vector. ...
Nico A's user avatar
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Embedding the generalised quaternion group into a general linear group

It's known that there are four non-abelian groups with cyclic subgroup of index $2$. Those groups are the dihedral group $D_{2^n}$, generalised quaternion group $Q_{2^n}$, modular-maximal group $M_{2^...
Marja's user avatar
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1 answer

A division quaternion algebra in which the integral elements don't form a ring

I wish to find a division quaternion algebra $B$ over $\mathbb{Q}$ and elements $\alpha, \beta\in B$ such that $\alpha, \beta$ are integral over $\mathbb{Z}$ but both $\alpha + \beta$ and $\alpha \...
rationalbeing's user avatar
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Jacobian of $R^{-1} v$ with respect to $R \in SO(3)$

According to "A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics", the Jacobian $J_R^{R\cdot{}\mathbf{v}} = -\mathbf{R}[\mathbf{v}]_\times$. Here non-bolded R is an element of SO(3) or an ...
lericson's user avatar
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Non-standard complex structures on $\Bbb H\times \Bbb H$ so that multiplication is holomorphic

Let $$\mu:\Bbb H\times \Bbb H\to \Bbb H, \qquad (x,y)\mapsto x\cdot_{\Bbb H} y$$ denote the product of two quaternions. With the standard identification $$\Bbb H\cong\Bbb C^2\cong \Bbb R^4, \qquad x_0+...
s.harp's user avatar
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Why isn't the crossed product algebra $(K(\sqrt{a}), Gal(K(\sqrt{a})/K, k)$ independent of a?

I am trying to work through an example to understand the correspondence between $H_2(Gal(K(\sqrt{a})/K),K(\sqrt{a}))$ and $Br(K(\sqrt{a}),K)$. Here is my confusion: Let $E = K(\sqrt{a})$ be a ...
William DeGroot's user avatar
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Why is SLERP not the same as this method for averaging quaternions?

I understand that the weighted average of at least 2 quaternions is as described here in equation 13. To summarise, the steps are: Take the weighted sum $\mathbf{M} = \sum_i w_i \mathbf{q}_i \mathbf{...
Alexander Soare's user avatar
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Functional equation in quaternion algebra

Let $F,G:\mathbb{C}^2\rightarrow\mathbb{H}\otimes\mathbb{R}^4$ be two functions with components $F_0,F_1,F_2,F_{1,2},G_0,G_1,G_2,G_{1,2}:\mathbb{C}^2\rightarrow\mathbb{H}$ with quaternionic values. ...
Giulio Binosi's user avatar
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Fractional powers of quaternions

I was looking into quaternion mulitplication, but I'm having a hard time understanding how it works when the exponent of, say $j$, is not an integer. The basic algebraic definitions of quaternions are ...
Frævik's user avatar
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Isomorphism between quternian and SU(2) and their homomorphisms to SO(3)

From Kostrikin, A. I. (1982). Introduction to Algebra. Springer-Verlag, $$\Gamma: \operatorname{SP}(1)\subset\mathbb{H} \to \operatorname{SU}(2)$$ $$a+bi+cj+dk \mapsto \left(\begin{matrix} a+bi &...
Hance Wu's user avatar
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Is the quaternion division well defined? [closed]

Given that in quaternions generally $pq^{-1}\ne q^{-1}p$, how can quaternions form a division algebra? For instance, $( i+2 j)\cdot\frac{1}{5 j+1}=\frac{1}{26} (i+2 j-5 k+10)$ but $\frac{1}{5 j+1}\...
Anixx's user avatar
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I'm studying the book "Spin Geometry" by Lawson and Michelson. In the proof of proposition 4.2 they say (with no proof) that there is this algebra isomorphism $$Hom_{\mathbb{C}}(\mathbb{H},\...
marc's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I extract the rotation angle about an specific axis from a rotation matrix.

The question sounds similar to Angle of rotation around arbitrary axis from matrix but it is not. I don't want an angle-axis extraction, from a 3×3 rotation matrix ${\rm R}$. I know how to do that by ...
John Alexiou's user avatar
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What are the quaternion algebras over $\mathbb{F}$ for a field $\mathbb{F}$?

I know that the only quaternion algebras over $\mathbb{R}$ are the quaternions and the split-quaternions. What is the characterization of the quaternion algebras over a particular field? Which of ...
mathlander's user avatar
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Apply Quaternion Rotation to Vector

Have done lot of googling on this and am overwhelmed by the number of formulas; not a math major, just a developer struggling to understand quaternion rotations:) ...
Nue Fox's user avatar
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1.5 Stillwell's Naive Lie Theory rotation by conjugation theorem. Order of multiplication

In section 1.5 of Naive Lie Theory by John Stillwell the rotation by quaternion $t = \cos\left(\theta\right) + u \cdot \sin\left(\theta\right)$ is defined as conjugation by $t$: $q \mapsto t^{-1} q t$ ...
marekjg's user avatar
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Computing an element that generates the quaternion ideal

Let $B$ be a quaternion algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$, let $\mathcal{O} \subseteq B$ be a maximal order, and let $I$ be a left $\mathcal{O}$-ideal. I know that there is an element that generates $I$, i.e.,...
Andy's user avatar
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I have two vectors u and v that both lie on z = 0. Can I find a quaternion axis to for these vectors if the axis must also lie on z?

Vectors u and v both lie on the x-y plane or have a z value of zero. I understand that there is an infinite amount of quaternions that will rotate u to v. Is there a way to find an axis for a ...
Ian Holdman's user avatar
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I have two vectors u and v. Can I find a quaternion and the quaternion axis if my rotation around this axis is 180 degrees?

I have the two vectors v and u as (1x3) matrices. I need to rotate vector v around an unknown axis to the point at vector u. My main question is, is there an axis that will satisfy this problem if v ...
Ian Holdman's user avatar
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Non-normal Subgroup of Quaternion Product

I needed to show that the $Q_8\times Q_8$ contains a non-normal subgroup where $Q_8$ is the quaternion group. My example was the subgroup $\{(1,1), (i,k), (-i,-k)\}$. I got the question wrong because, ...
Kenneth Winters's user avatar
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Is this a discovery or something known? "You find any Integer solution for pythagorean quadruples, pythagorean quintuple. using quaternions √

If you take a quaternion number lets call it Q (Q=a+bi+cj)) Q² definitely generate a pythagorean quadruple and Q=a+bi+cj+dk will definitely generate pythagorean quintuple ex: Q=1+1i+1j+k, Q² = (-2)+2i+...
Itay the king's user avatar
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How to factor a rotation fixing the origin into 2 reflects with quaternion?

In $\mathbb R^4$ a reflect in a hyperplane through the origin $O$ is, $\forall q \in \mathbb R^4$ $$q \mapsto -u\overline{q}u$$ , where $u$ is a unit quaternion. In $\mathbb R^3$ a rotation fixing the ...
athos's user avatar
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How to calculate an endomorphism ring for a supersingular elliptic curve

I've read a few books and papers about isogeny-based cryptography and its mathematic but didn't get the idea how to find the endomorphism ring of a supersingular elliptic curve. I know how to do it ...
tuner007's user avatar
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What are the correct camera (quaternion) transformations to change the object view

I'm currently working with some camera rotations. The issue is, given a camera in an arbitrary rotation (R) and position (T) in a three dimensional space I want to give the viewer the impression that ...
Ediolot's user avatar
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Symbol for quaternion multiplication

I came accross different notations for the multiplication between two quaternions, e.g: \begin{equation} \mathbf{q}_1 \circ \mathbf{q}_2 \quad \text{or} \quad \mathbf{q}_1 \otimes \mathbf{q}_2 \end{...
Gab's user avatar
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Why is it that we can represent vectors using the even part of the Clifford algebra?

You can represent a vector by a quaternion with no scalar part, and you can also represent the rotation itself as a quaternion. Then the rotation is applied to the vector by conjugation. The ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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2 dimensional faithful quaternionic irreps of a finite group

I am interested in finite groups with faithful 2 dimensional quaternionic irreps (finite subgroups of $ Sp_2 $). Given a finite group $ G $ it is easy to find the character table (using GAP say) and ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Quaternion slerp trig for solving scalars of vectors

This problem I'm reviewing from a mathematics text for game programming. It involves some trig, and suddenly I realize I'm having difficulty coming to the same conclusion for solving for $k_0$. From ...
Bennett Keller's user avatar
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When is operator conformality preserved under addition and subtraction?

An operator $A$ on an $n$-dimensional real vector space is conformal in case $$ A^T A = \alpha I \qquad \text{for some} \qquad \alpha \ge 0 , $$ and $$ \mathrm{det} A \ge 0 . $$ Let $A$ and $B$ be two ...
Steve White's user avatar
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Quotient of HP^n by SO(3) = Aut(H)

Let $\mathbb H \mathbb P^n$ denote the quaternionic projective space. The group $SO(3)$ acts on $\mathbb H$ (by automorphisms of $\mathbb R$-algebras) by acting on the imaginary part in the obvious ...
Mark's user avatar
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how to combine 2 rotaion quaternions

if I have 2 quaternions that represent rotation in 2 different axis say one that rotate 30deg around the x and another that rotate 15deg around the y how can I combine them in one quaternion
MAR1's user avatar
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Kernel of a ring homomorphism

Currently struggling with showing that the quaternions are isomorphic to a subgroup of $M_2(\mathbb{C})$. I've defined a map $\phi$ from $\mathbb{R}\langle x,y,z\rangle$ to $M_2(\mathbb{C})$ such that ...
William's user avatar
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Octonions not an associative division algebra?

On this wikipedia page, I read The best-known examples of associative division algebras are the finite-dimensional real ones (that is, algebras over the field R of real numbers, which are finite-...
roi_saumon's user avatar
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How to get a rotation quaternion from two vectors?

I have two vectors $\vec a$ and $\vec b$ in 3d space. Both of these vectors has length (magnitude) 1 and begin from the origin, so $\vec a$ can be turned into $\vec b$ by a unit quaternion $q$: $$\vec ...
Irimitlad's user avatar
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On the definition of scalar multiplication for quaternionic vector spaces, in Simon, Representations of Finite and Compact Groups (Theorem II.6.4)

I'm studying from Simon's book Representations of Finite and Compact Groups, and I'm struggling with how the quaternionic spaces are introduced (please, correct me whenever I'm wrong; and, please, be ...
atlantropa's user avatar
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How to solve for the rotation matrices required to go between two vectors?

I am trying to understand rotations, and I need to understand what it takes to rotate vectors from a certain position on the unit sphere to another. Let's say I am on $p=e_x$ and I want to go to $p'=\...
megamence's user avatar
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Solutions of the equation $x^2+1 = 0$

Let's consider the equation $$x^2+1 = 0$$ Now, if we work in $\mathbb{R}$, there are no solutions. If we work in $\mathbb{C}$, there are two solutions. Now I have been studying rings and modular ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Can I combine quaternions like this?

I have a rigid body in the shape of a right angle with 3 reference points on it. For each pose of the rigid body I know the 3d coordinates of each of the 3 reference points. I am trying to find the ...
i_sniff_ket's user avatar
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Are there multiple ways of converting Quaternions to Euler Angles?

Today, I discovered something about rotation matrices in in the source code of Blender. There is a function, that returns two different euler angles showing the rotation of a given rotation matrix. ...
Marion Piloo's user avatar

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