Questions tagged [integration]

For questions about the properties of integrals. Use in conjunction with (indefinite-integral), (definite-integral), (improper-integrals) or another tag(s) that describe the type of integral being considered. This tag often goes along with the (calculus) tag.

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2 answers

The volume of two vertically stacked, diagonally halved unit cubes

How do I express the volume of the painted area using multiple integrals? The answer should be $1$, because the volume is $0.5 \times 2 \times 1 \times 1=1$.
Kim's user avatar
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A way to calculate volume of a zip-loc bag using only mathematical methods

The Zip-loc challenge is pretty old, but I was doing it today to test my knowledge of chemistry. The way I calculated the volume of a ziplock bag was to fill to with water and find the calculate how ...
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How do you integrate $t\coth(x t)/\sqrt{1-t^2}$ from $t = 0$ to $1$?

How do you do this integral: $$A=\int\limits_{0}^{1}\frac{t}{\sqrt{1-t^2}}\coth{(xt)}\mathrm{d}t$$ for a positive parameter x.
Ambrose Chau's user avatar
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How to double integrate

Graph The $z$ axis is acceleration and the $x$ and $y$ axis is time. The painted area is $\frac{1}{2}at^2$, and I don't understand why the diagonal line is velocity instead of an area made by the ...
Kim's user avatar
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Sketch and find the volume of the solid in the first octant bounded by the coordinate planes, plane x+y=4 and surface z=root(4-x)

I understand that this can be done with triple integrals, but my class has yet to be taught those and we will be assessed on our ability to perform a question similar to this one with the principles ...
user63266's user avatar
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Proving error bound for Simpson's rule

The Simpson's rule can be stated as follows: $$\int\limits_{x_0}^{x_2}f(x)dx\approx \frac{h}3\left[f(x_0)+4f(x_1)+f(x_2)\right]$$ The way I'm trying to find the error bound for the Simpson's rule is ...
sequence's user avatar
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find the simple closed curve of $F(x,y) = (y^3-6y)i + (6x-x^3)j$ using Green's Theorem which will have the largest positive value

$F(x,y) = (y^3-6y)i + (6x-x^3)j$ a. Using Green's Theorem, find the simple closed curve C for which the integral $ ∳F \cdot dr $ (with positive orientation) will have the largest positive value. b....
user63266's user avatar
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Consider the vector field $F=-c \frac{x\mathbf{i}+y\mathbf{j}}{x^2+y^2}$.

$$\mathbf{F}={-c}\frac{x\mathbf{i}+y\mathbf{j}}{x^2+y^2}$$ (vector field was rewritten here to make it easier to see) Consider the vector field above and using $c=1$, find by direct calculation the ...
user63266's user avatar
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Evaluate $\int x^x \ln x\, dx$

The integral $$\int x^x \ln x\, dx= ?$$ I know of the integral $\int x^x dx$ can be further simplified as $\int e^{x\ln x} dx$. And this requires identity to simplify. What about the product in the ...
unknown's user avatar
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Puzzled with a double integration

Double integration of $f(x,y) = \frac{(x-y)}{(x+y)^3}$ for which $x$ ranges from $0$ to $1$ and $y$ ranges from $0$ to $1$. It comes out to be $\frac{1}{2}$. But suppose that for $(a,b)$ the value of $...
Jaswant Shekhawat's user avatar
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Graphically, why is $\int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{x} dx$ divergent but $\int_{0}^{1} \frac{1}{x^{0.999}} dx$ convergent?

When the power of $x$ is less than 1, it seems that the improper integral converges. I understand the math, but I don't understand how the graphs of the two cases $\frac{1}{x}$ and $\frac{1}{x^{0.999}}...
Elaine Yuyuan Wang's user avatar
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Integrate $\frac{dx}{x^{2n}+1}$ for $n \in \mathbb{N}$ from $-\infty$ to $\infty$ [duplicate]

How can one calculate $$ \int_{- \infty}^{\infty} \frac{dx}{x^{2n} + 1}, \;n \in \mathbb{N} $$ without using complex plane and Residue theorem?
Nikrom's user avatar
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closed form for $\int_{1/4}^{3/4} x^n(1-x)^n \, dx$

The integrand being a polynomial, I used the binomial formula to separate the monomials: $$\int_{\frac{1}{4}}^{\frac{3}{4}} x^n(1-x)^n \, dx = \sum_{k = 0}^{n}{ n \choose k}(-1)^{k}\int_{\frac{1}{4}}...
the_firehawk's user avatar
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5 answers

Quick way of solving the contour integral $\oint \frac{1}{1+z^5} dz$

Consider the contour integral in the complex plane: $$\oint \frac{1}{1+z^5} dz$$ Here the contour is a circle with radius $3$ with centre in the origin. If we look at the poles, they need to satisfy $...
Belgium_Physics's user avatar
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Extension of a integration by parts formula for a linear operator on $C_0(\mathbb R)$

Let $(\mathcal D(A),A)$ be a linear operator on $C_0(\mathbb R)$ (the space of continuous functions vanishing at infinity equipped with the supremum norm $\left\|\;\cdot\;\right\|_\infty$) such that $...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Mass of $ A := \{ x \in R^2\ | x<y , y<2, y>1/x \}$

How does one calculate the Lebesgue Measure of the above set? I tried the following: $ \lambda^2(A) = \int_{R^2} 1_A d(\lambda^2(x,y)) = \int_R\int_x^2 1_{ \{1/x < y\} } d\lambda(y)d\lambda(x)$ ...
Slyder's user avatar
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Complex Contour Integrals Answer check [closed]

can someone check my answers for the following question: Evaluate the integrals 􏰣 $\ \int{z^2 dz} $ and $\ \int{|z|^2} dz $ along the following paths a) line from 1 to i b) quarter of the unit ...
Raees's user avatar
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$\int_0^t e^{sA}\cos(\omega s)ds$ with $A$ matrix

Let $A$ be a singular square matrix and $\omega,t\in\mathbb{R}^{*+}$. How to compute the following integral? $$I = \int_0^t e^{sA}\cos(\omega s)\,\mathrm{d}s$$ Since I am looking for a numerical ...
anderstood's user avatar
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Taylor series for with an integral

I was trying to analyze a large amplitude problem and I got stuck at an equation like this. $$\int_0^T dt=\sqrt{\frac{l}{2g}}\int_{\theta_{\text{max}}}^{ \theta_0} \frac{d \theta }{ \sqrt{\cos\theta -...
Swap Nayak's user avatar
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$\int _ { 0 } ^ { L } \left\{ \left( \int _ { 0 } ^ { x } f ( y ) d y \right) \left( \int _ { 0 } ^ { x } g ( z ) d z \right) \right\} d x$

As in the title, What I wanna do is $\int _ { 0 } ^ { L } \left\{ \left( \int _ { 0 } ^ { x } f ( y ) d y \right) \left( \int _ { 0 } ^ { x } g ( z ) d z \right) \right\} d x$ Here, functions f and g ...
Sinwoo Jeong's user avatar
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$\int_{100}^{200} \frac{1}{ 8 + b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-100)^2}{100^2} } + b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-200)^2}{100^2} } } dx$

$\int_{100}^{200} \frac{1}{ 8 + b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-100)^2}{100^2} } + b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-200)^2}{100^2} } } dx$ I tried this in Mathematica but got the same thing as solution. By considering "b" = ...
Vishal's user avatar
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Inverse trig function integration by parts.

$$\int \tan^{-1}{2y}dy$$ if I choose $u = \tan^{-1}{2y}$ then $du = \frac{2}{1 + (2y)^2} dy$ and $dv = dy$ and $v = y$ But I have a more complicated du. What else can I do?
Jwan622's user avatar
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Integration by parts questions. Work check.

I have a couple of problems that I'm trying to work through. I'm a tad stuck on 2. Here is what I have? $\int t \cdot e^{-3t} dt$ so let's say: $$u = t \quad \text{and} \quad du = dt$$ $$...
Jwan622's user avatar
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Find $\int_{0}^{1} \int_{x}^{1}y^4e^{xy^2}dy dx$

$$I:=\int_{0}^{1} \int_{x}^{1}y^4e^{xy^2}dy dx$$ Here the region of integration is the triangle with vertices $(0,0),(0,1)$ and $(1,1)$ and given as a type-1 region. We can convert it into a type-2 ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Integral $\int\frac{1}{1+x^3}dx$

Calculate$$\int\frac{1}{1+x^3}dx$$ After calculating the partial fractions I got: $$\frac{1}{3}\int\frac{1}{x+1}dx+\frac{1}{3}\int\frac{2-x}{x^2-x+1}dx=\frac{1}{3}\ln(x+1)+\frac{1}{3}\int\frac{2-x}{...
Placeholder's user avatar
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Bringing infinite limit inside integral

I want to find $$\lim_{R \to \infty} \int_{0}^{\pi} e^{-R\sin (t)}dt.$$ Since $\sin(t)$ is nonnegative on $[0,\pi]$ the integrand vanishes as $R \rightarrow \infty$. So I want to bring the limit under ...
mindfields's user avatar
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Integral $\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sinh(x)}{x [a+\cosh(x)]^2}dx$

I have difficulties with calculating the following integral: $$I(a)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{\sinh(x)}{x [a+\cosh(x)]^2} \mathrm dx~~~~~~~,\text{where } a>1$$ For the case with $a=1$ the ...
Grzegorz Rut's user avatar
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Evaluate the sign of an integration

Let $P_k(x)$ to be the first $k+1$ terms of the Taylor expansion of $\cos(x)$, that is $$P_k(x) = \sum_{l = 0}^k (-1)^l x^{2l}/(2l)!.$$ For $\alpha>0$ and $\alpha\notin \mathbb{Z}$, I want to ...
Jinqi Shen's user avatar
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Solving a real integral in the complex plane

$\int_0^\infty \frac{\cos(x)}{x^2+1}dx$ Singularities: $x_{1,2}=\pm i$ We want to integrate over the upper half of a circle on the complex plane. So we only consider $x_1=+i$. We can use the residue ...
xotix's user avatar
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What are the Integration-by-parts steps needed to get from Equation 1 to 2?

I need help justifying the jump from the expression on the left side of the equal sign, to the right. \begin{array},\int_0^L \mathrm{d}x \ \frac{\partial y}{\partial t} \frac{\partial}{\partial x} ...
Ten-Thousand-Hands's user avatar
18 votes
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An intriguing pattern in Ramanujan's theory of elliptic functions that stops?

I. Define the ff integrals, $$K(k)=K_2(k)=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-k^2 \sin^2 x}}dx=\large{\tfrac{\pi}{2}\,_2F_1\left(\tfrac12,\tfrac12,1,\,k^2\right)}$$ $$K_3(k)=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{\cos\left(...
Tito Piezas III's user avatar
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one bound integral

so i have a formula for finding the center of mass of a body: $\frac{1}{m}\int_V\vec r\,dm$ what does it mean when an integral has only one bound like this on the bottom?
Wait a minute's user avatar
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Why is $\int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}} u'(s) ds - u'(t_n) = \int_{t_n}^{t_{n+1}}(t_{n+1}-s)u''(s) ds$

I don't understand why the last step in the following equations is true. Could someone explain this to me please? Don't think context is important here, but just in case it's from a proof of a bound ...
eager2learn's user avatar
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prove $\int_0^\infty \frac{\log^2(x)}{x^2+1}\mathrm dx=\frac{\pi^3}{8}$ with real methods

Context: I looked up "complex residue" on google images, and saw this integral. I, being unfamiliar with the use of contour integration, decided to try proving the result without complex analysis. ...
clathratus's user avatar
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calculating 2 constants in a function

$$M=\left\{f\in C[0,2\pi],\int_{0}^{2\pi}f(x)\sin x\,dx=\pi,\int_{0}^{2\pi}f(x)\sin2x\,dx=2\pi\right\} $$ $a,b\in \mathbb R, g\in M, g(x)=a\sin x+b\sin2x,x\in [0,2\pi]$ I've read on the answers ...
tyuiop's user avatar
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To calculate the final velocity, (v) of a moving body that had an initial velocity, (u)...

...and had been under constant acceleration, $a$ for a period of time, $t$ the following formula is used: $$v = u + at$$ so the following terms are constant,initial vel.$u$ and the constant ...
Rigers Mehmetaj's user avatar
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Simplification of an expression of a double integral

Is the following expression able to be simplified? $$I = \int_0^{x/2} \int_0^s f(s,r)\,dr\,ds + \int_{x/2}^x \int_{2s - x}^s f(s,r)\,dr\,ds . $$ Here $f(s,r)=u(r,2s+x-r)$ so that we could also write $...
Gustave's user avatar
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Solving or bounding the real part of the integral $\int_0^{2 \pi i m} \frac{e^{-t}}{t-a} dt$

I would be interested in finding a closed form or, at least, bounding (in terms of $m$ as it becomes larger) the real part of the following itnegral: $$f(m,a):=\int_0^{2 \pi i m} \frac{e^{-t}}{t-a} ...
user3141592's user avatar
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If $g(x)$ be the inverse of $f(x)$ then prove that $2g''=3g^2$

Let $$f(x)=\int_0^x\frac{dt}{\sqrt{1+t^3}}$$ Prove that $$2g''=3g^2$$ given $g(x)$ is inverse of $f(x)$. I tried of applying Newton-Leibnitz both sides but could not succeed as the variable is $x$ on ...
Soham's user avatar
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Express moments in terms of exponential series

Consider a random variable $X$ with cumulative distribution function $$ F(x)= [G(x)]^{\alpha} $$ where $ G(x)$ is baseline distribution, and its survival function is $ R_{G}(x)=1-G(x)$. Put $R_{G}(...
J.H's user avatar
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Fundamental Theorem of Calculus with Functions

Please excuse the weird title. I was unsure about how to summarize this. So lets say we have this integral: $ \int_{kx}^{cx} t^2 dt = f(x)$ If we wanted to apply $f(x)$ with $2x$ instead of $x$ ...
user2793618's user avatar
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how to make a curve that never goes down in y over time?

(for motion graphics) I need to take an audio clip's curve, and give it a rule: if you ever go down in the y axis, I need you to plateau instead. Attached is a sin curve that has that rule implemented,...
Andrew Mohr's user avatar
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Integral of Reciprocal Functions: Why The Modulus Sign?

I've been taught that $\int\frac{1}{x}dx=\ln|x| + C$ rather than $\ln(x) + C$ without the modulus sign and been told that it is incorrect to not have the modulus sign. Why is that? I've been ...
Mafematician's user avatar
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give 5 other equivalent iterated triple integrals

I am given the following integral: $$\int_0^2\int_0^{y^3}\int_0^{y^2}f(x,y,z) dzdxdy $$ I was successfully able to rewrite this in its dzdydx, dxdzdy, and dxdydz forms, but I'm having a hard time ...
user10939145's user avatar
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Uniform continuity implies existence of limit of integral

Let $f: (0,1) \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ be uniformly continuous. Prove that $$ \lim_{\epsilon \to 0} \int^{1-\epsilon}_{\epsilon}\!\!f(t)dt \in \mathbb{R}$$ Any ideas?? $f$ can be extended to a ...
nikos steb's user avatar
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If $Lf=bf'+\frac12σ^2f''$, $L^\ast$ is the $L^2$-adjoint of $L$, $ϱ$ is a solution of $L^\astϱ=0$ and $\mu=ϱ{\rm d}x$, is $L$ symmetric on $L^2(\mu)$?

Let $b\in C^1(\mathbb R)$, $\sigma\in C^2(\mathbb R)$, $$Lf:=bf'+\frac12\sigma^2f''\;\;\;\text{for }f\in C^2(\mathbb R)$$ and $$L^\ast g:=\frac12(\sigma^2g)''-(bg)'\;\;\;\text{for }g\in C^2(\mathbb R)....
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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integration by substitution of multiple variables

I have an integral \begin{equation} \int_{\mathbb{R}^n}f(\mathbf{B}\mathbf{x})\mathrm{d}\mathbf{x} \end{equation} where $f: \mathbb{R}^m \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbf{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times ...
Jenny Reininger's user avatar
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How to find the power series expansion that converges to Fresnel integral?

Fresnel integral is $S(x)=\int_{0}^x{\sin(t^2)\,dt}$. I'm trying to see how the power series expansion for the integral is found , I have to tried to use Taylor Series for expanding $\sin(t^2)$ but i ...
user3133165's user avatar
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differential equation of the explicit RMS function

This is my first time posting on any math forum, let alone stackexchange, so I do hope I'm doing everything correct! Some Background I'm an engineer, and not a mathematician, although I do enjoy ...
JustAnEngineer's user avatar
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how to find pdf $f_X(x)$ from joint pdf $f_{X,Y}(x,y)$

enter image description hereI have joint PDF of $X$ and $Y$. $X$ and $Y$ are dependent random variable. I know that $X$ and $Y$ have the same distribution. it is hard to integrate joint PDF. are there ...
Mohamed Khalil's user avatar

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