Questions tagged [graphing-functions]

For questions regarding the plotting or graphing of functions. For questions about the kinds of graphs with vertices and edges, use the (graph-theory) tag instead.

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Hello, I am having trouble understanding why the graph of the function shifts to the right and not the left.

As you can see in this graph, there are equivalent points on functions g and f. The relation between $g$ and $f$ is $g(x) = f(x-2)$. As the $x$ value is decreased, why doesn't the graph move to the ...
Aarushi da Great's user avatar
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The Graph of $f$ when evaluated at $y$.

The traditional Cartesian coordinate system is labeled as $y$ for the vertical axis and $x$ for the horizontal axis. Suppose we have a graph for $f(x)=cx$. When one evaluates $f(y)=cy$, it maps a ...
webtolight's user avatar
3 votes
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understanding logarithmic scale in a graph

I plotted the function $1000\sin{\frac{x}{1000}}$ on desmos and set it to the logarithmic scale but I am having trouble understanding the result which looks like this: Why does the graph go linear ...
Aarush Saharan's user avatar
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Domain of a graph that is just a horizontal line with points at the beginning and the end.

I have a graph that is just a horizontal line with one full painted point at the beginning of the graph x=0 and one empty point at the end x=10. Would the correct answer for domain of this function be ...
Anon's user avatar
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Ideas for a function which generates a skewed random distribution plot

I am trying to figure out a function that can plot a curve similar to these ones: The area under the curve is 1, since this is a density plot. However, it doesn't look like I can fit a gaussian to ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Find the set of values of $\alpha$ so that $f(x)=\dfrac{\alpha x^2+6x-8}{\alpha+6x-8x^2}$ is one one.

Let $f$ be a function defined in its domain given by $f(x)=\dfrac{\alpha x^2+6x-8}{\alpha+6x-8x^2}$. Find the set of values of $\alpha$ so that $f(x)$ is one-one. My attempt As $f(x)$ have to be one-...
Skdmg's user avatar
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How to determine if gradient of $\sqrt{f(x)}=y$ derived from $y=f(x)$ is becoming more gradual or steeper? [closed]

Graph For parts (a) and (b) of $y=\sqrt{f(x)}$, while I understand $\sqrt{f(x)}$ is smaller or below $f(x)$ when $y>1$ but how do I know if the gradient beyond $y>1$ increases like in (a) or ...
user1311104's user avatar
-2 votes
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When solving for x and y in functions. For example $y= x^2$. Is $x = y^{1/2}$ he same function? Are they equivalent? [closed]

Are $y=x^2$ and $x = y^{\frac{1}2}$ the same function/ are the equivalent. As they each would give the $x$ and $y$ value?
Jacob Taylor's user avatar
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Randomly Generating Real-Rooted Polynomial Equations

I need a simple function to generate real-rooted polynomial functions to demo my Desmos Aberth-Ehrlich rootfinding implementation. My current function is as follows: Let $n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$ be the ...
James Baw's user avatar
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Is $y = (\log x)^u$ faster than $y = x$ for any $u$?

If $(\log x)^u\over x$ converges to a constant as $x \rightarrow \infty$, then the set $S$ of possible values of $u$ is (A)$[-1,1]$ (B)$(-\infty,1]$ (C)$(-\infty,\infty)$ (D)None of the above Here's ...
Ishant Dumane's user avatar
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$(-a)^x$ versus $-(a^x)$ help

$(-2)^3=-8$ and $(-2)^2=4$, right? And $-(2^3)=-8$ and $-(2^2)=-4$. So that means $(-a)^x$ does not equal $-(a^x)$. My question is why do we never see graphs of $(-a)^x$ then?? I tried graphing $(-2)^...
vergevoyage's user avatar
-4 votes
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How would you go about graphing a parabola on a graph and determining what the $x$ is [closed]

Example $-x^2-2=0$. How would you determine this $x$ and how to graph it, is there a formula you must follow? *edit this is confusing me very badly all I've seen was the question like that and it ...
liam's user avatar
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Any good applications to graph a Cartesian Coordinate 3D plane with the Z axis as imaginary?

Apologies if this is confusing or worded incorrectly. I would like a graphing application that can graph in the 3D plane with real numbers on the X and Y axis and imaginary numbers on the Z axis. Does ...
Sam Herron's user avatar
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Is $f(x):=\lim\limits_{n \to \infty }(n!)^x \prod\limits_{k=1}^n \frac{k!}{(k+x)!}$ a Gaussian curve?

In this question I was trying to generalise the gamma function and defined $f(x+1)= g(x+1)f(x)$ for some function $g$ such that $g$ is eventually non negative function, To make it clear that $f$ ...
pie's user avatar
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exponential graphing with intercept [closed]

I'm not sure what to do exactly. I got the equation of the line to be $y=\dfrac{p}{\ln\left(p\right)}x+p$ is this correct? Now I need to solve for x using the above.
Soren Lorensen's user avatar
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plot3d hyperelliptic singular curve

I am trying to draw a singular hyperelliptic curve of genus two in Sage. My goal is to obtain something that looks like (including the oriented one-cycles): I think that the equation of such a ...
Conjecture's user avatar
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Morse theory graphic

How can I make the images that appear in Morse theory?. Type Beginner's question about homotopy type in Milnor's Morse Theory, i try in geogebra but i cannot.
GillThunder's user avatar
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How to graph the antiderivative of Weierstrass function: $f(x)= \sum\limits_{k=0}^ \infty \frac{\cos\left(13^k\pi x \right)}{2^k}$.

The Weierstrass function: $f(x)= \sum\limits_{k=0}^ \infty a^k {\cos\left(b^k\pi x \right)}$ where $0<a<1, \ b \in 2\mathbb{N}-1, \ ab > 1+\frac{3\pi}{2}$ is an example of a continuous ...
pie's user avatar
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Find the number of solution(s) of equation $f(x)=2^x-x^2+x+\cos x$

Question: Find the number of solutions of equation $f(x)=2^x-x^2+x+\cos x=0$ Given answer is $1$ My Attempt I have checked the derivative of it. $$f'(x) = 2^x\ln2-2x+1-\sin x\\f''(x)=2^x(\ln2)^2-2-\...
Skdmg's user avatar
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Method to find a type of equation that can fit a particular shape?

I'm trying to find a mathematical expression for a function that can fit this kind of data: I wonder if there is a better way to do it than the naive high-order polynomial fit. It seems like there is ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
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How to find exact Riemann-Sum?

I have been given this rather simple looking assignment, which is confusing me a lot. Given is: $f:[0,5] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $f(x)=2x+3$. The first thing I had to do, was to determine the ...
N G's user avatar
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How to plot two seperate sequences in one plot such that there difference is clear?

Suppose I have two sequences $a_n$ and $b_n$. They both start from a very high number say $25000$ and converges to zero. If I plot them in one plot, as they start from a very large number, the plot ...
Newrion's user avatar
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Desmos not plotting the obvious inequality correctly? [closed]

I was checking the subadditivity of the function $f\colon x\mapsto \min(1, x)$, i.e., whether $f(x + y)\le f(x) + f(y)$ and was expecting that the entire first quadrant would be colored. However, the ...
Atom's user avatar
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Formula for minimum of a changing parabola

So what I want to find out is the path drawn by the parabola $y=x^2+bx$ minimum as b changes. Im pretty sure it draws an upside down parabola because if I put in Desmos and slide the b it goes in the ...
Sam's user avatar
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4 answers

Graphing $(\lfloor x \rfloor + \lfloor1-x\rfloor)$

$\lim_{x\to0+}(\lfloor x \rfloor + \lfloor1-x\rfloor)$ $\lim_{x\to0-}(\lfloor x \rfloor + \lfloor1-x\rfloor)$ I tried to solve by graphing $(\lfloor x \rfloor + \lfloor1-x\rfloor)$ Graph of the ...
Ak9848's user avatar
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Number of continuous points of a graph (Problem 34 from 97-99 Math GRE practice questions booklet)

Problem Statement: Let $f$ be a function with domain $[-1, 1]$ such that the coordinates of each point $(x, y)$ of its graph satisfy $x^2 + y^2 = 1$. What is the total number of points at which $f$ ...
cepheid's user avatar
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Why does 2xcos((x^4)/2)sin((x^4)/2 seem to match the integral[0 to x](sin(x^4))?

In my calculus class we were solving: integral{0 to x}(sin(x^4)) via power series. My professor told us we can't solve it by any other means, so I went to try to brute force it anyways using Desmos. I ...
æ æ's user avatar
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Graphing dy/dx of a parametric equation.

Consider the first quadrant of a circle. We can represent the first quadrant of a circle as: $y_1 = \sqrt{1-x^2},$ such that $0\leq x \leq 1 \\$ and in parametric terms as: $\left(\frac{1-t^{2}}{1+t^{...
idk's user avatar
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What is the graph of Rudin's 7.18 function

Code borrowed from here Theorem 7.18 from Baby Rudin: There exists a real continuous function on the real line which is nowhere differentiable. proof Define $$\tag{34} \varphi(x) = \lvert x \rvert \...
Mathematics enjoyer's user avatar
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What is the Equation for the Batista-Costa Minimal Surface?

The Batista-Costa surface is a triply periodic minimal surface. Three photos of part of the same surface are below: where the first two were taken form the research paper: The New Boundaries of 3D-...
Teg Louis's user avatar
11 votes
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Beautiful errors in graph of $\sin(x^2+y^2)$

I was writing a simple program to help visualize inequalities based on 2 variables. The test inequality that I was using was this: $$\sin\left(0.1(x^2+y^2)\right)\geq0$$ Regions that satisfy the ...
Soham Saha's user avatar
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Adding a list of sin waves such that they run for one period and moves on to the next sin wave with a different phase/amplitude [closed]

I have a list of sin waves $$[A_1\sin⁡(x+P_1 ),A_2\sin⁡(x+P_2 )…A_n\sin⁡(x+P_n ) ]$$ and I want have them be graphed in such a way that there is no discontinuity between them. my current method is to ...
Willow Tough's user avatar
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Find number of solutions to the equation $\sin(6\sin x)=\frac{x}{6}$.

Find number of solutions to the equation $$\sin(6\sin x)=\frac{x}{6}.$$ By plotting it on any graphing software one is able to see instantly that it has $15$ solutions. However I am not able to work ...
Maverick's user avatar
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What exactly is the torus (Z/nZ)^d?

What exactly is the torus $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^d$? I know that $\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}$ is the set of equivalence classes: $\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Z}+1, \mathbb{Z}+2, \ldots, \mathbb{Z}+(n-1)$. I ...
sharma rohit's user avatar
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Hyperbola with linear segment

I'm looking for a simple hyperbola-like function that has a linear like segment that can be parameterized to start at a and end at ...
hennyk's user avatar
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Triple Integral Reiteration

I have the following triple integral: $$ I = \int_0^1 dz \int_z^1 dx \int_0^{x-z} f(x, y, z) \ dy $$ I want to reiterate the integral in such a way that the integrations are performed in the following ...
Nebula's user avatar
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When finding the asymptotes of function b, is minus infinity obtained?

Good time of day. There was a problem while researching the function graph. Namely, when finding the inclined asymptote. Graph: y=x-ln(x+1) When calculating the limit, the coefficient k = 1. Calculate ...
Loly18's user avatar
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Why is it more common to draw in arithmetic subdivisions in logarithmic plots?

I can understand that you'd sometimes want to see where the linear subdivisions are on a logarithmic plot, and track e.g. where one y-value is ~3 times as large as another y-value (e.g. 2x10^5 ...
Outis Nemo's user avatar
4 votes
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floor(x/y)=y graph

I was experimenting with some equations on Desmos and stumbled upon the floor function. I tried using it in different equations, but nothing caught my attention ...
Tumpa's user avatar
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Why we cannot draw the graph of a three-dimensional function?

I am a mathematical beginner. As we all know, the graph of a one-dimensional function is a curve, and the graph of a two-dimensional function is a surface. What is the graph of a three-dimensional ...
Rjan's user avatar
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How is it Possible to Generate Tables and Graphs Optimizing the Associated Shichman-Hodges Slope $λ_j$ and Verify the Regression Approach

1. Introduction Linear regression Equations for $λ_j$ are derived here: How is it Possible to Optimize the Shichman-Hodges Slope Parameters from the Left and Right using Least Square Linear ...
Stephen Elliott's user avatar
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Can you have a graph/plot with more than 3 sides?

It may be a stupid question but I was working on a ternary plot (example image attached) and the idea about the maximum number of sides for a graph (in 2D, 3D and ND) came up. I'm curious as to the ...
Ahmed Tayee's user avatar
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Linearly spacing points along non uniform curve

For a robotics project, we have sensors that give us an accurate realworld XYZ position. I've recorded this data to measure the sag our telescoping boom has over its 50 feet of travel. This is the raw ...
Joe Jankowiak's user avatar
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Why do I see this in the graph of $\ln(x) + i\pi$?

There is always a time when we realize that people telling us that “logarithms of negatives are undefined” is a lie. With complex analysis, we can derive the following: As $e^{i\pi} = -1$, $\ln(-1) = ...
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How can I fit a function, given a set of estimates of its slope over various intervals

I am trying to approximate a function $f(x)$ (strictly positive x if that helps) based on the following information. I have estimates (uncertain, their uncertainty quantified) for 435 intervals of x, ...
Michel Nivard's user avatar
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Finding number of solutions of $e^x$ = $x^3$

As we can see $e^x=x^2$ has 1 solution. $e^x=x^4$ has 2 solutions with $x^4 > e^x$ after $x=1.43$ which is one of the solutions. What is the reason behind this? Also what would be the approach is ...
Macron's user avatar
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Geometry needed to layout points in a grid for a centered hexagonal number?

I asked this as a programming question, but perhaps it is a better math question. What is the math needed to compute the positions of the points along the flat edges of the hexagon? I could then ...
Lance's user avatar
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Mathematical curve to represent a contour plot of a bimodal distribution in two dimensions

I am attempting to find a mathematical curve $f(x,y)$ that describes approximately the contour plot of a bimodal constructed from two Gaussian distributions centered at $(0, \pm y_0)$ and $\sigma = 1$....
Puco4's user avatar
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Possible approaches to prove that there is an integral point at a distance of less than $1/1000$ from the straight line $y=\sqrt{3}x$

Self-studying Gelfand pre-calculus (Functions and graphs, pg.92). Are there any more ways to prove that there is an integral point at a distance of less than $1/1000$ from the straight line $ y=\sqrt{...
studyingsicp's user avatar
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Prove that $n$ hypersurfaces with cyclic permutations of the last $n-1$ variables only intersect if all the variables have the same value.

Suppose that in $\mathbb{R}^n$, I have an equation $F(x,y,z,\dots,n)=0$ with the property that it is symmetric in the last $(n-1)$ variables $\{y,z,\dots,n\}$, but not in the first variable $x$. For ...
matilda's user avatar
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