Questions tagged [economics]

For questions regarding the mathematical analysis of economic models and problems. This includes questions about the formulation or solution of models from microeconomics or macroeconomics.

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Constrained Optimization Insights

I have been experimenting with the following problem paraphrased from Khan Academy: A manufacturer's revenue is $100h^{2/3}s^{1/3}$, where $h$ is the number of hours of labor hired, and $s$ is the ...
user10478's user avatar
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Subgame perfect equilibrium question

There are two neighboring towns, Alfa and Beta. Firm A is located in Alfa, firm B in Beta. The two firms produce and sell identical goods, with fixed marginal costs of c. The two firms simultaneously ...
1190's user avatar
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Derivation of a parameter in optimization problem

My question The solution for first part $$L=(aq+1-a)x1x2+\lambda (y-(a(p1+c)+(1-a)p1)x1-x2p2)$$ As a result after FOCs $$x1=\frac {y}{2(a(p1+c)+(1-a)p1)}$$ $$x2={y\over 2*p2}$$ The solution ...
1190's user avatar
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How to show that a selection $b_1(v)$ is always less than another selection $b_2(v)$

I am an economist and need some math help. My question is simply prove or disprove that $b_1(v) \leq b_2(v)$, which are selections of two maximization problems. I have two objective functions. $v \...
Jinsoo Bae's user avatar
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Is there a generalization of the Kelly criterion where we add a fixed income/cost?

In the ordinary Kelly criterion the game is that you get to place a bet $B$ and your new wealth would be: $$W^+ = \begin{cases} W + cB & \text{ with the probability of }p\\ W - B & \text{ ...
skyking's user avatar
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Game with "pure" Nash equilibrium but not SPNE

after trying to find the answer for this problem for the last few days and crawling through loads of papers and notes, I decided to ask in case someone else has a good example for me. I am trying to ...
brb1991's user avatar
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Calculus of variations - Solving for function inside of a function of an integral

I am trying to solve a problem that I think I should use calculus of variations to solve (maybe optimal control?). I am trying to figure out the correct technique to use, or to figure out whether this ...
Mandoconomist's user avatar
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Converse of the Central Limit Theorem

I want to know if the following statement holds. It is sort of the converse of the CLT. Intuitively, my guess is that it is true. However, I have no idea on how to prove it. Suppose that: $$\sqrt{n}(...
Weierstraß Ramirez's user avatar
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Series representation of $({\bf I-A})^{-1}$?

I have a problem of the form $$\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{A}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{b}$$ where $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{b}$ are vectors and $\mathbf{A}$ is an invertible matrix. I can solve this problem for $\...
webelo's user avatar
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Prove $f(x^D)\geq1$: $f$ is a log-concave density and $\frac{1-2F(x^D)}{f(x^D)}=x^D-\frac{1}{2}$

Assumptions and notation Let $f$ be a twice-differentiable log-concave density function on $[0,1]$, and let $F$ be the corresponding distribution function. Define $x^D$ by: $$\frac{1-2F(x^D)}{f(x^D)}=...
smcc's user avatar
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Find Bayesian Nash Equilibria

A rich, honest, but mischievous father told his two sons that he had placed $10^n$ and $10^{n-1}$ in two envelopes respectively, where n ∈ $\{1,2,3,\ldots,10\}$. The father then randomly handed each ...
Ryan Moris's user avatar
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Flat Tax vs. National Income Tax Average

If the national income tax average under a progressive system is 30%, will tax revenue change if the progressive system is changed to a flat tax also at 30%? In other words, if the mean average ...
Eric's user avatar
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How to differentiate without knowing the function, only the inputs?

Given a function $f(p, \alpha w)$, where $\alpha > 0$, how do I differentiate with respect to $\alpha$ ? The answer is supposedly $ w D_w f(p,w) $ (it says that it differentiated with respect to $\...
Joe Patten's user avatar
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Average Cost of Obtaining in game Item

I know this will sound like a trivial maths problem, but recently I've been playing a game in which you can pay 5 in game gems to get a Rare (R), Super Rare (SR), and Ultra Rare (UR) characters ...
Elton Chen's user avatar
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Utility maximization of n goods

I have a question that involves finding the optimal demand of $n$ goods for a consumer. However, I haven't anything like this before and I'm not sure how to proceed. The consumer has a utility ...
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Pricing a riskless asset in the Black & Scholes market

Consider a Black&Scholes Market where a risky asset evolves according to: $$\frac{dS_t}{S_t}=\mu dt+\sigma dB_t$$ $$S_o=s$$ Riskless asset is associated with risk free rate r. I want to represent ...
Jo Stetco's user avatar
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Modified parcheesi game

A "modified Parcheesi" game starts with the following position: First $x$ flips a fair coin. If heads he can move two spaces or pass. If tails he can move one space or pass. If he occupies the other ...
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What are the most recent devopments with applying fractals to economics?

I was researching fractals for my senior mathematics presentation and discovered that one of the most recent pioneers in that section of the field was able to apply fractal mathematics to the field of ...
Mathematician's user avatar
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Verifying a production set is a convex cone

This comes from a paper that I am reading: For $i=1,2$, suppose that $F_i(\cdot,\cdot)$ satisfies the assumption: $F_i(K_i,L_i)$ is defined for all $K_i\geq 0$, $L_i\geq 0$. $F_i(0,0)=0$. $F_i(...
yurnero's user avatar
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Statistica Significane of the Slope Coefficient

Can someone please help me with this? Consider that you are examining the relationship between the height of children and their parents. You decide to collect data from 110 college students, and ...
Sara's user avatar
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How to find the short run and long run cost functions, given the production function?

The production function of car is given by $f(x_1,x_2,x_3) = \sqrt{x_1}+\sqrt{x_2}+\sqrt{x_3}$ (assume competitive input and output markets). Find the short run cost function (let input 3 be ...
Noel.campbell04091992's user avatar
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Utility optimization question

Having trouble with how to put this together. I have an answer key, but the individual steps I am struggling with. Two period economy with a representative consumer that maximizes the utility ...
GentilmanMyles's user avatar
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Conditional and unconditional variance in ARMA processes

How can I compute the conditional and unconditional variance of $x_t$ given its past if $\{x_t\}$ is an ARMA$(p,q)$ process. I'm literally struggling over that. Cheers
Matteo Venice's user avatar
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Arrow's Impossibility Theorem Using Boolean Algebra

I am currently working on a research project which involves using Boolean matrices for the proof of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem and various other lemmas and results related to quasi ordered sets. In ...
Apurva's user avatar
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Engineering Economics Cash Flow Diagram

I have the following question and solution below. What I don't understand is why is the 100,000 seen as savings/revenue when clearly it is coming out of pocket? Additionally, the monthly loan payment ...
Vince's user avatar
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Use Roy's Theorem to prove that ...

I have an advanced microeconomics theory related question: Use Roy's theorem to prove that $s_i(p,y)= -\frac{\partial v(p,y)}{\partial lnp_i}/\frac{\partial v(p,y)}{\partial lny}$. This question has ...
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What is the (expected) outcome of this hybrid auction?

A certain hybrid auction can be accurately modelled as follows. There are $n$ risk-neutral, rational participants $i=1,2,\ldots,n$, and a guy called Zerro: $i=0$. Each, except Zerro, has a private ...
Řídící's user avatar
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Suggestions for projects in mathematics of finance

I am looking for computational projects related to mathematics of finance suitable for a senior level independent study for a student who has seen the green light, (or the light of the green!). I had ...
Maesumi's user avatar
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Creating indices

Is there a "proper" formula for creating indices? I need to compute series of numbers into a KPI that can be tracked over time. Example dataset is like this: ...
James D.'s user avatar
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Constructing and understanding stock-flow model

Suppose that $\textbf{x} = A\textbf{x} + B\dot{\textbf{x}}$ where $\textbf{x}$ is vector of economic output level, $A$ is input-output matrix, $B$ is stock-flow matrix. The system represents ...
nada's user avatar
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proof using (fixed point theorem)

I am seeking to solve for a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies $(d_2,d_2)$ involving two players, $1$ and $2$. Given that $h'(.)$ is s strictly decreasing and continuous function, $\Phi(d_1-d_2)$ ...
Daniel Lårs's user avatar
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Unable to find Nash equilibria in mixed strategies

Here is the strategic form game: Player 2 Left Middle Right Top 2,2 0,0 1,3 Player 1 Middle 1,3 3,0 1,0 ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Can These Types of Curve be Differentiable in their Parameters?

This question arises from economic research attempting to model and estimate demand curves relating the quantity consumed $Q$ of goods to their price $P$. Assume $P > 0$, $Q \ge 0$, and as $P$ ...
Adam Bailey's user avatar
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economic modelling asked for

I am putting together a proposal for a system of economic exchange which links a transaction of money through a period of time, and subjective relationship evaluation between two people. How can it be ...
happyseaurchin's user avatar
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Help with understanding bond duration.

I'm currently studying for a pure maths degree, and so have no background knowledge of bonds. I'm reading through some material regarding actuarial work, and came across the following definition of ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is "Real Analysis with Economic Applications", by Efe A. Ok, a good book for a self-teaching beginner in real analysis? [duplicate]

I'm interested in self teaching myself Real Analysis with the primary purpose of using it for economics, for this I decided to use Real analysis with economic applications by Efe A. Ok Now what I was ...
HortonX25's user avatar
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A loan is to be repaid quarterly for five years that will start at the end of two years. If interest rate is $6$%..

I was helping my comrade answer some questions when we found this question. It goes like this: A loan is to be repaid quarterly for five years that will start at the end of two years. If interest ...
fitzmerl duron's user avatar
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Limit of CES function as $p$ goes to $- \infty$

I am trying to evaluate the limit of the CES Production function: $$Y=(aK^p + bL^p)^{1/p} $$ when $p$ goes to -infinity. It first yields the indeterminate form $0^0$. I tried solving the problem by ...
Martin FS's user avatar
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why is this economics parabola sideways? switch x and y axis

Why is this "parabola" sideways? Normally, f(x)=y, would be that x is graphed horizontally, and you would write that "wage rate is a function of hours worked", which is how I would normally think ...
Thufir's user avatar
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My brothers share from income.

My brother is driving a limo with his partner who told him that they will go $50-50$ on income and also $50-50$ on gas. So if my brother earns $\$1000$ by spending $\$200$ on gas, what will be my ...
Aman's user avatar
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Von Neumann–Morgenstern independence axiom vs. Savage independence theorm

Von Neumann–Morgenstern independence axiom: Savage independence theorem: What is the difference between the two? I'm think Von Neumann is talking about the prizes (outcomes) and Savage is talking ...
Gao's user avatar
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Absolute value and sign of an elasticity

In my microeconomics book, I read that when we have $1+\dfrac{1}{\eta}$ where $\eta$ is an elasticity coefficient, we can write $1-\dfrac{ 1}{|\eta|}$ "to avoid ambiguities stemming from the negative ...
Luigi's user avatar
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what does $\min()$ and $\max()$ mean in a function?

Could someone please explain to me what is the difference between these equations how it would affect the result and the way they are solved? $$Q2(K,L) = A\min(BK,CL)\text{ s.t. }A,B,C > 0$$ $$Q2(...
Fozoro's user avatar
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Inspiration for exam [closed]

To complete college (or what the equivalent in Denmark would be) I will have to write a text about a topic that I choose. I have chosen to write about mathematics in business economics, and ...
Martin Vestergaard's user avatar
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Economics, numeraire, utility, demand, marginal rate of substitution

I typed my question in Microsoft Word and printscreen it instead of typing it, this is because I don't know how to type mathematical questions here, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
user116487's user avatar
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Finding the optimal combination for the Cobb-Douglas function given a budget

I am trying to figure out to find the optimal combination of the Cobb-Douglas function given some budget. An example question is: Output can be produced with labour and capital according to $Q = L^{...
Jeel Shah's user avatar
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Normal distribution probability

just a quick question dealing with probability. The annual returns on stocks and treasury bonds over the next 12 months are uncertain. Suppose that these returns can be described by normal ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Why does compound interest usually have an $\frac{r}{n}$ term?

I assume discrete time. Suppose I start with some amount of money $P_{0}$. Then, using a simple rate of interest $r$ for a given period of time, I would have $$P_{t}= P_{0} (1+r)^{t}$$ Suppose $t$ ...
Stan Shunpike's user avatar
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Lagrange multiplier with line constraint

So I am attempting to minimize the 2-dimensional plane equation $$p(x,y)=ax+by$$ with the constraint $$g(x,y)=x+y=c.$$ By the method of Lagrange multipliers I get $$\nabla p=\lambda\nabla g\iff\...
rosnet's user avatar
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Show that for $f(x)=x^\alpha$, $f'(x+\frac{1}{2}a) - \frac{1}{2}f'(x+a) - \frac{1}{2}f'(x) \leq 0$

I am trying to set up a simple (economic) model to illustrate an argument. I have an increasing concave production function $f(x)=x^\alpha$ with $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and want to show that $f(x+\frac{1}{...
sheß's user avatar
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