
I'm quite new to Maple, so forgive me if this question seems a little trivial. I'm trying to plot a Mobius strip with the parametrization $$\left\{\begin{matrix} [1+tcos(s)]cos(2s)\\ [1+tcos(s)]sin(2s) \\ tsin(s) \end{matrix}\right.$$ with the parameters of $$0\leq s\leq \pi$$ $$-1/5\leq t\leq1/5$$

What I have so far is:


 g := [1+t*cos(s)]*sin(2*s)
 h := t*sin(s)
 plot3d([f, g, h], s = 0 .. Pi, t = -1/5 .. 1/5)

Alternatively, I also tried this:

 plot3d([[1+t*cos(s)]*cos(2*s), [1+t*cos(s)]*sin(2*s), t*sin(s)], s = 0 .. Pi, t = -1/5 .. 1/5)

Neither returns a plot. Is there something wrong with my code? Any help would be appreciated!

  • $\begingroup$ Maple is case-sensitive. The function is plot3d, not plot3D. Also parentheses () and brackets [] have different meanings. $\endgroup$ Apr 7, 2016 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


As @RobertIsrael already mentioned, maple is case sensitive. Apart from that you cannot use square brackets [] and parenthesis () interchangeably. Use square brackets for lists and parenthesis for the usual parenthesization.

The following code works perfectly fine. I just adjusted the D to lower case and the inner square brackets to parenthesis.

> with(plots);
> plot3d([(1+t*cos(s))*cos(2*s), (1+t*cos(s))*sin(2*s), t*sin(s)], s = 0 .. Pi, t = -1/5 .. 1/5);
  • $\begingroup$ Lists, not vectors. $\endgroup$ Apr 7, 2016 at 20:53
  • $\begingroup$ Right that is what I wanted to say, I confused it with Matlab=) Thank you! $\endgroup$
    – flawr
    Apr 7, 2016 at 20:54
  • $\begingroup$ Ohh I see. Thank you! $\endgroup$ Apr 7, 2016 at 20:54

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